What is Core Ball Training?

Core ball training is a type of physical fitness routine that is done with an inflated ball, sometimes called a yoga ball or Pilates ball, and focuses on strengthening the muscles in the center of the body.

These routines are among the best workouts for improving core strength, and the workout ball helps promote balance, stability, coordination, and muscle cooperation.

Core ball training methods are used in gyms throughout the world and were popularized in the 1990s as a light fitness method enjoyed by many.Training with a ball allows a person to work muscles using light weights or only body resistance. Each exercise during core ball training is done with part of the body balancing on the ball, and this allows the body to stabilize and work different muscles at different times.

Core ball training methods force a person to work one muscle type, and use the other muscles to maintain balance during the workout.

Muscles often worked during core ball training include abdominals, back and hip muscles, leg muscles, and occasionally some upper body muscles. These are done with weights often no more than small dumbbells, and often can be completed in an entire routine of 30-60 minutes to get a full body workout. While not used for enhancing muscles, core ball training is popular with those wishing to tone muscles.

Workouts on the ball should be preceded by cardio or a stretching routine, and should be practiced before moving on to vigorous routines or heavy repetition sets.

A variety of core ball training exercises can be done while balancing the middle of the body on the ball, around the rear or stomach. Back extensions are done with the body bent over the ball on the stomach, using the ball to lift the back into an extension.

Other exercises include the ball balance, which is done facing down with the ball under the stomach; in the push up position, the body is balanced with only the hands on the ground. Hip extensions can be done with only the feet on the ball, and butt lifts can be done with only the back and shoulders on the exercise ball.

The ab roll can be done with the hands on the ball; the ball twist is done for the oblique muscles with only the feet rolling the ball back and forth. These exercises, combined with various others, provide core ball training, strengthening, and fitness routines.

Core-strengthening Stability Ball Workout

The stability ball was originally used as a physical therapy aid for postural re-education and orthopedic rehabilitation. Today, you can find these large, air-filled balls in a variety of sizes in just about any fitness setting.

They are used by exercise professionals in personal training and group fitness as a way to add interest and fun to core and stability-based workouts. Although stability-ball exercises appear to activate about as much deep abdominal muscle as similar movements on the floor without a ball (Martuscello et al., 2013), they can add value to a training session when you’re looking for variety and whole-body integration while working the core.

The following workout circuit on a stability ball adds a new twist to your ab routine. Perform 10 to 15 repetitions of each exercise, and do the circuit more than once if you want more challenge. Choose a ball size that allows you to sit comfortably on top with your feet flat on the floor, thighs parallel to the floor, and both hips and knees bent at 90 degrees.

Keep in mind that to work the entire mid-section, it’s important to challenge the torso from various directions. That is, there is more to a balanced core program than just performing crunches or sit-ups. The following routine features movements that address the entire functionality of the trunk muscles—flexion, extension, side bending and rotation.

Note: Only attempt this workout if you have had previous experience using a stability ball and feel confident moving on the ball in all of the positions shown.

1. Ab Crunch With Diagonal Press

Ab Crunch With Diagonal Press with Core ball

Grasp one, small weight (e.g., a 5-, 8- or 10-pound dumbbell, plate weight or medicine ball) with both hands. Sit on top of the ball and walk the feet forward until your back is supported by the ball. Start with the weight on the chest. As you come up into an ab crunch, straighten the elbows and push the weight at a diagonal away from you toward the ceiling. As you return to the start position, bend the elbows and bring the weight back down to the chest.

2. Back Extension Over Ball

Back Extension Over core Ball

On an exercise mat, kneel with your back to a wall and position your feet against the wall. Lean over the ball and position it underneath your abdomen. Slowly straighten your knees as you lean over the ball, which will effectively put the ball under your hips.

You should be leaning over the ball with the upper half of your body unsupported, while your hips and thighs are supported by the ball and your feet are support by the wall. Keep your abdominals contracted and your glutes tight and cross your arms over your chest. Slowly lower and lift your torso to work the trunk extensor muscles.

3. Pike on Ball

Pike on Ball

Adopt a plank position with your hands on the floor aligned underneath the shoulders and your thighs on top of the ball. Position yourself with your head toward a wall that is strong enough to hold your weight in case you lose your balance and need back support from the wall (this will prevent you from rolling forward into a summersault).

Slowly roll the ball toward your body as you lift the hips upward into a pike position. If you feel comfortable in a handstand, align the hips above the head in the end position so that you are essentially upside down.

However, if you are unsure of your ability, only bring the hips upward as high as you feel confident and stable. Slowly roll the ball back out to the start position.

4. Supine Twist on Ball

Supine Twist on Ball

Sit on top of the ball and walk the feet forward until your back and head are supported by the ball. Clasp your hands together and straighten your arms up toward the ceiling.

Keep the feet hip-width apart and the head, neck and hips in a straight line from your head to your knees. Slowly rotate your upper trunk to one side and then the other while keeping the pelvis in place.

5. Kneeling Plank Roll-out

Kneeling Plank Roll-out

On an exercise mat, kneel in front of the ball with your knees about 12 inches from the ball and lean on your forearms so that your shoulders are directly above your elbows.

Gently contract the abdominals and slowly straighten your arms as you push down into the ball to move it forward. Roll out the ball as far forward as you can, but stop if your hips start to sag. Return to the starting position, keeping the abdominals engaged throughout the exercise.

6. Side-lying Leg Lift

Side-lying Leg Lift

On an exercise mat, lie on one side with your bottom arm outstretched in front of your chest and your palm facing the floor for support. Trap the ball between your feet and shins.

Slowly lift the bottom leg off of the floor while keeping your torso stable and on the floor. Return to the start position with the leg on the floor. Complete all of the repetitions on one side before moving on to the next.